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Custom Kraft

CustomKraft Industries have been in the business of manufacturing superior quality equipments for self-service type of car wash systems from the 1980’s. The company produces car wash equipment such as sturdy and durable spring-loaded brooms which are made either with stainless steel or with carbon steel and have a plating of zinc. These are self-service equipments which have pumps, the motors as well as the frames made with stainless steel. These come in different models, certifications as well as support components. These brooms do not require any lubrication and the components are easily available. The CustomKraft car wash components need a smaller amount of maintenance and have improved warranties plus better efficiencies.

The MultiPressure System of CustomKraft utilizes a single pump for each bay with 8 distinct predetermined pressures plus one delivery hose meant for each broom. The systems of this company are accessible easily and are specially engineered to provide heavy-duty service. All car wash equipments of CustomKraft Industries is listed by ELT or Edison Testing Laboratories as well as CETL or Canadian Edison Testing Laboratories. Because of the efficiency of their systems customers keep coming back to this company for its high quality and reasonably priced car wash equipments.